Join us at the next Tuolumne County Volunteer Fair
April 17, 4-7pm
Mother Lode Fairgrounds
Admission & Parking are free.
Support Tuolumne County
Many talk about wanting to help causes they are passionate about but don’t know where to start or what organizations exist in Tuolumne County.
The Tuolumne County Volunteer Fair brings people and volunteer organizations together so we can make our community a better place for all.
Register your non-profit or volunteer organization
- Free booth at the Volunteer Fair
- Opportunity to sign up for free workshops
- Share your events on our Community Calendar (also free)
Community Calendar
Volunteer and nonprofits need your help year round! Help support these organizations with your time and attendance at their events.
TCVF Media

The Conversation on Volunteerism
JoLynn Miller was a guest on The Conversation with Ryan Campbell to chat about volunteering and trends in volunteerism. It's an interesting discussion whether you volunteer or are an organization that relies on volunteers.

2024 Volunteer Fair Video
If you weren’t able to attend the event, you can watch virtually. Thank you to Access Tuolumne for taking the time to interview all the exhibitors and create this video.
The Tuolumne County Volunteer Fair was started by the 2018 Leadership Tuolumne County class as their class project. It was their goal to bring together local non-profits and volunteer groups with all the enthusiastic folks in Tuolumne County interested in volunteering to make our community a better place.
That first Fair was so successful, Gary Johnson, a member of that Leadership Tuolumne County class, decided it was important to keep it going. In 2019 the second Fair was held with the help of Project Feed our Kids as host. Sonora Area Foundation, who had generously sponsored the first Fair agreed to continue their support as Event Sponsor.
COVID restrictions prevented holding in-person Fairs for a time and we also held a televised-only Fair in 2021. In retrospect, this was a blessing as the Washington Fire broke out shortly before the Fair had originally been scheduled to start.
The Fair returned in earnest at the Mother Lode Fairgrounds in 2023, with 75 exhibitors and over 300 attendees. This was only possible with the financial assistance of our gracious sponsor, Sonora Area Foundation. We are grateful for Sonora Area Foundation’s continued support in 2024 and their desire to bring volunteers and organizations in Tuolumne County together.
We are also thankful to our 2023 and 2024 Fair hosts, Blue Zones Project and Love Tuolumne County. Both of these groups are very supportive of our community and the importance of volunteerism.
Support the Volunteer Fair
The Volunteer Fair is volunteer driven! Please contact us ahead of time if you’d like to help out.
We welcome volunteers to help on the day of the event to
- Set up
- Check-in organizations
- Help them unload
- Welcome table for attendees
- Clean up after the Fair
Sonora Area Foundation also hosts a Fund for financial donations to help cover the cost of producing the Fair.