Area 12 Agency on Aging


HICAP is a direct program offered through Area 12 Agency on Aging and is funded through the State and Federal Government. HICAP's goal is to assist Medicare Beneficiaries through the Medicare Maze with objective one on one guidance and counseling. HICAP would not be as successful as it is if it wasn't for our volunteer base.

We are always looking for willing volunteers who like to solve puzzles and give back to their community.

There is required training evolved to become a HICAP volunteer counselor due to the assortment of information regarding Medicare. Since COVID we have lost a few volunteers and have not been able to conduct a New Counselor Training. 2023 is HICAP's year to get back out in the 5 counties we serve and recruit volunteers and the Tuolumne County Volunteer Fair is a perfect opportunity for just that!

Volunteer Tasks

We are always looking for willing volunteers who like to solve puzzles and give back to their community.

There is required training evolved to become a HICAP volunteer counselor due to the assortment of information regarding Medicare.

Volunteer Ages


Contact Info

Volunteer Coordinator
Leo Marroquin
19074 Standard Road, Suite A Sonora, CA

Find them Online

Social Info
19074 Standard Road, Suite A Sonora, CA