April 17, 4-7 pm at Mother Lode Fairgrounds.

Parking and admission are free.

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CAL FIRE Tuolumne-Calaveras Unit



The Volunteers In Prevention (VIP) of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) are an efficient fire prevention and loss reduction education force for California. Each year thousands of wildfires burn hundreds of thousands of acres of California’s watershed, timber, and grasslands. As aresult, millions of dollars in damage are done to the environment; homes are destroyed; and lives are threatened and sometimes lost. With 95 percent of the wildland fires CAL FIRE responds to each year being person-caused, fire prevention and public life safety education are key to reducing losses from fires in California

Volunteer Needs:

  1. VIP Activities can include but are not limited to:
    Fire and Life Safety Education -History has shown that when VIP teams provide fire prevention teaching in grades K-3rd, child-related fires in those areas have dropped by 50 percent. In addition, VIPs educate thousands of children and their parents about fire prevention by participating in fairs, displays, and parades each year.
  2. Public Information Education- VIPs are trained to assist CAL FIRE’s efforts during wildland fires and other emergencies by providing information to the media and public.
  3. Wildland Occupant Firesafe Program Volunteers- are trained to make preliminary wildland homeowner property inspections for fire safety as required by Public Resources Code 4291, and to discuss with homeowners ways to make their homes fire safe. These one-on-one contacts are an increasingly important education tool as the population in California’s wildlands continues to grow.
  4. Red Flag, Holiday, and Arson Patrols Volunteers patrol selected hazardous areas during declared critical fire weather and on holidays. They help alert the general public to the possibility of heightened fire danger. They also provide CAL FIRE with extra “eyes and ears” in areas threatened by arsonists.
  5. Communications- A communications network for CAL FIRE during emergencies including wildland fires, earthquakes, and floods.

To become a Volunteer In Prevention, all you need is the willingness to give your time, a desire to learn fire prevention fundamentals, and an interest in educating Californians of all ages. You will need to fill out a volunteer service agreement, emergency contact form, vehicle registration form, and a parental consent form if you are a minor. There is no mandatory number of hours you will need to volunteer, but your VIP coordinator will be counting on your efforts. You will work under the direction of the VIP coordinator who will match your interests with the needs of the program. For example, if you have teaching skills, school programs may be perfect for you. If you are public speaking, communications may be your niche.


Fire Prevention
Volunteer Coordinator
Emily Kilgore
785, Mountain Ranch Road, Oak Park Estates, San Andreas, Calaveras County, California, 95249, United States

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Social Info
785, Mountain Ranch Road, Oak Park Estates, San Andreas, Calaveras County, California, 95249, United States