April 17, 4-7 pm at Mother Lode Fairgrounds.

Parking and admission are free.

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Guide Dogs for the Blind-Puppy Raising


Guide Dogs for the Blind provides trained dogs free of charge to visually impaired individuals. The main campus is in San Rafael, but we have volunteer puppy raising groups around the western United States. There is a local group in Sonora that meets two Saturdays per month where we work on training our puppies. We keep the puppies in our homes from 8 weeks old to approximately 18 months old.

Volunteer Tasks:

Volunteers learn how to train puppies using Guide Dog techniques (there are online video training aids as well as the twice monthly classes, plus leader support).

We need volunteers to accept the puppy into their home and train it for a year, then return it and start a new puppy.

Volunteer Ages

Adult, High School, Minor w/Guardian

Contact Info

Volunteer Coordinator

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