April 17, 4-7 pm at Mother Lode Fairgrounds.

Parking and admission are free.

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Lantern of Light



Lantern of Light is a faith-based suicide prevention nonprofit ministry who believes suicide can be prevented and everyone can learn how to prevent suicide.

Our mission is to train individuals in Tuolumne County in how to prevent suicide, thus reducing the number of suicides in our county. We offer free evidence-based trainings from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and from Livingworks.

By educating and empowering our community, we can bring people out of the darkness of suicide and into the light of God’s love and hope. We also offer free bereavement counseling for adults and children who have lost a loved one to suicide.

Volunteer Needs:

  • Distributing flyers about our nonprofit’s trainings and services
  • Helping to encourage people to attend our trainings
  • Helping to set up and clean up for each of our trainings
  • Attend our trainings


Volunteer Coordinator
Cynthia Halman

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