Motherlode Bicycle Coalition


The Motherlode Bicycle Coalition is an alliance of people and organizations working to promote cycling and encourage and educate our community to ride bicycles for transportation, recreation, health or just for fun. Our board and partners are passionate about making the Motherlode not just a better place to ride a bike, but a healthier, more prosperous and equitable place to live. We believe that encouraging biking on roads and trails in our communities, parks, and forests will contribute to the economic diversity and prosperity of our historic gold rush towns and region.

Volunteer Tasks

Building Community--the MLBC organizes bike rodeos and bike night events. Volunteers can help with staging, working outreach at tables or providing basic repairs and teaching about bike maintenance at rodeos and bike nights.Events--volunteers can help with support for bike events like Ride and Walk for Art in Valley Springs, the Tour of the California Alps (Death Ride) at Lake Alpine, and Mr. Frogs Wild Ride in Murphys.

Advocacy--the MLBC tracks planning and opportunities for creating safer bicycling facilities. We need additional eyes to follow transportation and recreation planning and more involvement and comments regarding planning for and construction of active transportation infrastructure. Policy work and good speaker? Come and help us make government processes and funding work for bike riders.

Capacity and Outreach--the MLBC is growing! We need help with more effective outreach to our communities through web, press, and social media. We are looking to increase our capacity to create change by growing our membership. If you have good people skills, marketing experience, or good organizational skills, we need your help to make us better at what we do.

Governance and Administration--we believe that we grow by bringing new perspectives to our Board of Directors and through an expanding our pool of volunteers working on projects and committees. We have room to grow and your help can make a big difference.

Volunteer Ages

Adult, High School, Minor w/Guardian

Contact Info

Volunteer Coordinator
Carl Baker

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