April 17, 4-7 pm at Mother Lode Fairgrounds.

Parking and admission are free.

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Facebook logo and link to TCVF Facebook Page

Soroptimist International of Twain Harte


Soroptimist International of Twain Harte has been serving the community since 1967. We serve through our annual signature projects and with a variety of funding for needs we find every day.

Projects include

  • Live Your Dream
  • Education and training awards for women
  • College Scholarships, Dream it. Be it.
  • Career day for high school freshmen girls
  • Women Saluting Women: honoring women veterans.


Volunteer Tasks:

Soroptimists have two major fund raisers per year. The annual Twain Harte a la Carte (food and wine tasting) and the annual Crab Feed. Along with supporting these fund raisers, members work on a variety of community projects each year.

Volunteer Ages


Contact Info

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