April 17, 4-7 pm at Mother Lode Fairgrounds.

Parking and admission are free.

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Tuolumne County 4-H



California 4-H Vision and Mission:

Vision: A world in which youth and adults learn, grow, and work together as catalysts for positive change.

Mission: The University of California 4-H Youth Development Program (California 4-H) engages youth in reaching their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development.

California 4-H provides meaningful opportunities for all youth and adults to work together to create sustainable community change.California 4-H engages young people in three primary content areas:

  • civic engagement and leadership
  • healthy living, and science
  • technology
  • engineering
  • mathematics.

Core Values:

  • California 4-H supports UCANR mission and strategic initiatives, public values, and clientele needs.
  • California 4-H recognizes that professionals provide the youth development framework and program priorities for volunteer educators and other extenders who bring knowledge, experience, and passion to work with youth.
  • California 4-H appreciates, respects, and values diversity through a commitment to inclusion of diverse Californians.
  • California 4-H professionals respond to local needs within a statewide positive youth development framework.
  • California 4-H innovates to maximize impact and resources while documenting unique youth development contributions.

Primary Mission Areas:

Our hands-on projects fall under four primary areas. We provide meaningful opportunities for youth and adults to work together to create sustainable community change. Civic Engagement Leadership Healthy Living STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)


University of California Cooperative Extension
Volunteer Coordinator
JoLynn Miller
2, South Green Street, Sonora Knolls, Sonora, Tuolumne County, California, 95370, United States

Find Online

Social Info
2, South Green Street, Sonora Knolls, Sonora, Tuolumne County, California, 95370, United States