April 17, 4-7 pm at Mother Lode Fairgrounds.

Parking and admission are free.

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Tuolumne County Fire Department


Tuolumne County Fire Department (TCFD), through a cooperative fire protection agreement with California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), provides for the preservation of life and property through emergency medical response, rescue, extrication, fire control, fire and life safety inspections to over 2,200 square miles and approximately 55,000 residents of Tuolumne County.

Through what’s commonly known as an Amador Agreement, another form of
cooperative fire protection agreement allowed through the Public Resources Code, Tuolumne County contracts with CAL FIRE to provide fire protection for when CAL FIRE is out of declared “fire season.” The County provides funding to staff Twain Harte CAL FIRE Station, and through another agreement with Mariposa County, provides for services at the Blanchard CAL FIRE Station (TCFD Station 64).

For the calendar year 2022, there were 6,431 total incidents within the TCFD jurisdiction, compared to 6,099 in 2021 for a 5.2% increase. This is an increase 35% from ten years ago when TCFD responded to 4,179 incidents. Of those incidents in 2022, there were 4,541 calls for medical assistance, 596 fires, 246 hazardous materials/fire standby, and 1,048 other incidents. .

The TCFD is funded for 50.5 full-time equivalent positions. Forty-six and a half of those through the cooperative fire protection agreement with CAL FIRE (Schedule A and Amador) and other agreements with Mariposa County and Columbia College. Those positions include an Assistant Chief, 2 Training/Safety Captains, 3.5 Emergency Command Center positions, 40 Engine Operations, and 1 Heavy Equipment Mechanic. The four remaining positions are County employees and consist of an Assistant to Department Head and 3 Fire Prevention Division positions which are supervised by the Assistant Chief.

Volunteer Tasks:

Firefighting is a very strenuous and demanding job, both physically and mentally. Firefighting involves a great deal of manipulative training and demands dedication, perseverance, good judgment and a positive attitude. You will possibly see death, catastrophic loss and work endless hours under pressure. If you should choose to begin the process of becoming a Volunteer Firefighter with Tuolumne County Fire Department know that it is not an easy task but what you will acquire is invaluable

How do I get started?

  • Get a DMV driving record print out (must be current within 30 days) You can get one online https://www.dmv.ca.gov
  • Download and fill out an application. Submit the completed packet to TCFD office 18440 Striker Court, Sonora
  • Complete an oral interview.
  • Complete & pass a medical physical (you will be directed to TCFD"s approved physician and the cost is covered.)
  • Complete Live Scan
  • Complete a Safety Orientation
  • Enroll in & complete the Tuolumne County Regional Fire Academy (344 hours) that will be completed over several months of night and weekend classes
    • Firefighter 1A (264 Hours)
    • Firefighter 1B (24 Hours)
    • Firefighter 1C (56 Hours)

After you become a volunteer, you need to maintain the following

  • Respond to 20% of STATION DISPATCHED INCIDENTS (Annually)
  • Complete 8 hours of HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REFRESHER COURSE (Annually)
  • Complete 8 hours of BLOOD BORNE PATHOGENS REFRESHER COURSE (Annually)
  • Complete 16 hours of EMS CE’s to retain First Responder Certification (Bi-annually)
  • Complete 48 hours of DRILL SESSIONS-CATEGORY II(Annually)
  • Complete 8 hours of DEFENSIVE DRIVING REFRESHER COURSE (Every four years)
  • Complete 4 hours for a MEDICAL PHYSICAL (Annually)
  • Complete 2 hours for a FIT TEST (Annually)

Some of these trainings will be incorporated into the Monthly Station Training Sessions to consolidate training hours.

For more information please contact:

CAL FIRE / Tuolumne County Fire Department Training Division
(209) 533-5118

Those who can...do. Those who can do more....VOLUNTEER!

-author unknown

Volunteer Ages

Adult, Minor w/Guardian

Contact Info

Volunteer Coordinator
18440 Striker Ct Sonora

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