April 17, 4-7 pm at Mother Lode Fairgrounds.

Parking and admission are free.

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Tuolumne County Fire Department/CAL FIRE



Tuolumne County Fire Department (TCFD), through a cooperative fire protection agreement with California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), provides for the preservation of life and property through emergency medical response, rescue, extrication, fire control, fire and life safety inspections to over 2,200 square miles and approximately 55,000 residents of Tuolumne County.

Through what’s commonly known as an Amador Agreement, another form of cooperative fire protection agreement allowed through the Public Resources Code, Tuolumne County contracts with CAL FIRE to provide fire protection for when CAL FIRE is out of declared “fire season.” The County provides funding to staff Twain Harte CAL FIRE Station, and through another agreement with Mariposa County, provides for services at the Blanchard CAL FIRE Station (TCFD Station 64).

For the calendar year 2023, there were 6,760 total incidents within the TCFD jurisdiction, compared to 6,431 in 2022 for a 5% increase. This is an increase of 35.9% from ten years ago. Of those incidents in 2023, there were 4,703 calls for medical assistance, 585 fires, 393 hazardous materials/fire standby, and 1,079 other incidents.

The TCFD is funded for 50.5 full-time equivalent positions. Forty-six and a half of those through the cooperative fire protection agreement with CAL FIRE (Schedule A and Amador) and other agreements with Mariposa County and Columbia College. Those positions include an Assistant Chief, a Battalion Chief, 2 Training/Safety Captains, 3.5 Emergency Command Center positions, 38 Engine Operations, and 1 Heavy Equipment Mechanic. The 4 remaining positions are County employees and consist of a Staff Services Analyst, and 4 Fire Prevention Division positions which are supervised by the Assistant Chief.

Volunteer Needs:

Volunteer Firefighters serve the community by responding to a wide variety of situations, ranging from emergencies that immediately threaten life or property to routine citizen requests for information or assistance. Volunteer Firefighters are called upon day or night to perform duties in the following general categories: fire suppression, emergency medical aid or rescue, hazardous material responses, emergency standby, training and public education.

We are looking for Fire Explorers, Resident Firefighters and Community Volunteer Firefighters.


Resident/Student/Volunteer Program
Volunteer Coordinator
Terry, John, or Kim
STANDARD FIRE STATION, 18464, Strker Court, Sonora Ranchettes, Sonora, Tuolumne County, California, 95370, United States

Find Online

Social Info
STANDARD FIRE STATION, 18464, Strker Court, Sonora Ranchettes, Sonora, Tuolumne County, California, 95370, United States